Brazosport Christian School
Written by Anna Magallanes, Director of Development
What’s going on at BCS!
Our secondary students have been collecting items for the Food Basket to help with those in need this holiday season. Below you’ll see a few students packing up the items and getting them ready to be delivered and sent out into our local community. You’ll also see that our kids have a sense of humor as they built towers out of the items right before we packaged them up. Way to go Eagles for helping the community and for having fun while doing it! You make a difference!

Drama Mystery Party
Jr. High art students had a blast and practiced leadership skills as they taught and assisted elementary students with Thanksgiving projects.

ASVAB Testing
Each year our 10th through 12th grade students participate in the ASVAB testing provided by the United States Military. The test results help the students to learn about their strengths and interests which in turn guide them in their decision making for college and career opportunities. The results will be given to the students just before our on campus career and college fair to be held on January 31st. We intend the career fair, available to all high school students, to be used to ask questions about career paths they are interested in going into. If you’d like to help out with the fair, please feel free to contact our college counselor Phillip Piper at
Just as our high school students are introduced to career paths and college readiness through the ASVAB test, our 8th graders get to attend the Jr. Achievement Career Fair at Brazosport College each year. This educational opportunity allows them to be exposed to a variety of career paths and the skills needed to pursue them. It’s a wonderful opportunity for our students to walk a college campus and get a glimpse of college life. Thank you Junior Achievement of Brazoria County for taking the time with our 8th graders and exploring careers!

THANK YOU PARENTS for all that you do to volunteer and donate through our PTF group! Our PTF officers work hard behind the scenes and there is always room for volunteers! This year’s PTF officers are:
President – Tiffany Lunsford
VP – Lindsay Pulido
Treasurer – Rebekah Shoemaker
Secretary – Aurora Menard
Hospitality – Beth Evans
We are still in need of a secondary representative.
Information on joining the PTF can be found on our website at, where there is also a link to find their dedicated facebook page.
Upcoming Dates to be mindful of:
Dec 5th – Class Group Pictures – (No Retakes)
Dec 6 – 9 – Lil Shopper’s Shoppe
Dec 12th – Christmas Concert & Chapel
Dec 15th – ½ Day for Secondary only
Dec 15 – 16 – Secondary Final Exams
Dec 16th – Polar Express Day
Dec 16th – ½ Day of School for all grades and staff
Dec 19 – Jan 3 – Christmas Break
Jan 4th – Return to School
School Calendar Link:
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