What Is Going On at BCS?
Brazosport Christian School
What Is Going On at BCS?December 2022 and January 2023
Junior Class visited Port Ministry in Freeport
Last month, our Jr. Class visited the Port Ministry in Freeport. During the visit, they learned about all of the services the Port Ministry provides for truckers and boats that are traveling to and from the port area. The Jr. Class also assisted in making bags filled with items that make traveling easy that the port ministers hand out each day. This is such a great ministry and was a fun field trip. Thank you for having us!! We look forward to visiting again!
NHS Donated Funds to Community Outreaches
At our Christmas Concert and Chapel our NHS group donated funds they have gathered through fundraising for Vow 22, The Pregnancy Help Center, True to Life Ministries, and the SPCA. Way to go Eagles! You make a difference!

Polar Express Day
Thank you to all who had a part in helping with our Polar Express Day for the Elementary kids! It was a fun day for all with lots of memories made!!!
The Lil’ Shoppers Shop
The Lil’ Shoppers Shop was a huge success! The students enjoyed the opportunity to shop for their friends and loved ones at the pop up shop, and PTF was able to profit $750 that will be used for funding teacher’s appreciation week and end of school year parties! Our PTF has also blessed several of our teachers (listed below) with mini-grants this year to help aid in building their classrooms. Thank you PTF for your support, and thank you parents!!!
Laura Sandler- new projector, document camera and cables
Mrs. Boyd- class set of advanced algebra calculators
Mrs. Garcia- Light tables
Patty Weid- $500 for classroom supplies
Physic’s Class Egg Toss Competition
Physics class had an egg toss competition in class recently with Jacob Erdelt as the tossing winner and Judah Newby as the catching winner. The winning distance on catching a raw egg was 18m. We love seeing our students have fun while learning!

Featured Links:
Spring Book Fair Volunteer Sign up Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4cafa92aa1f5c07-book2#/
Spring Book Fair Online Order Link:
Grandparents Day Volunteer Sign Up Link:
Valentine’s Candy and Flower Online Order Form Link:
Latest Podcast:
Last Week’s Newsletter:
Dates to be mindful of:
Jan. 31 – High School Career Fair
Feb. 3 – GALA Auction items due in office (please contact office if you will be later than this date)
Feb 6 – Talent Show
Feb 6 – 4H meeting
Feb 9 – Valentine’s Order Forms Due
Feb 10 – 5th Grade Field Trip
Feb 13-15 – Mini Cheer Camp
School Calendar Link: https://1bcs.org/campus-life/school-calendar/
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